Wednesday, November 4, 2009

I Love UAB's Kirklin Clinic 250

My new cardiologist's real name is Dr. Vijay Misra. I first nicknamed him Dr. DJ Misery, but today I changed it to Dr. Goodheart. He's wonderful! Heart Face

Dr. Vijay Misra, Cardiologist, Kirklin Clinic, UAB, Birmingham, AL
Getting to Kirklin Clinic, parking, and finding the Cardiology Department was super easy this morning. Somebody totally had the patients in mind when they designed the place. The architecture is both beautiful and 'user friendly', and I'm so proud this world class organization is so close to where I live.

Kirklin Clinic, Birmingham AL

Kirklin Clinic, Birmingham AL

Once Dr. Goodheart came in the exam room we discussed why I was there - to get a letter for Dr. Flagman so I could go back to work. And he went into detail about improving my fitness, suggesting some things that are impractical for a truck driver - like joining the YMCA and working out 3 or 4 times a week while I'm on my breaks. He mentioned the YMCA because "there's one in every major city." But I forgive him for not understanding truck driver's lifestyle, and his other suggestions are doable with some extra effort. He told me to be selfish about taking care of myself - to make time for it.

We talked for several minutes, and then he ordered an Echocardiogram. I love watching stuff like this - the heart beating, the valves opening and closing ... looks kinda like a little bird flapping it's wings in there Cool smilie

(Not my heart)

As a reminder, my problem wasn't in my heart per sey; it was in my LAD (left anterior descending artery), which was 99% blocked.

LAD blockage

Anyway, once Dr. Goodheart reads the echocardiogram, he will dictate something to his assistant, Jennifer, and I should get the letter for Dr. Flagman sometime next week.