Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Buddy Waits Patiently 200

Any time we're sitting still, and it's safe enough, I let Buddy get out of the truck. This is why I'm not afraid to let her out by herself:

Buddy waits for me

Buddy waits for me

These were taken while I was getting unloaded at Danville VA this morning. She never goes very far from the truck; and she acts as if being free is no fun if I don't get out with her. What a great dog! My little Buddy.

She always does this when I'm on the computer too:

Sleeping Buddy

Ok. Now for the business at hand:

Trip 197

Legally, I couldn't leave Danville until 10:00AM. Luckily, Danville has a little Pilot that has wifi. That's where I'm posting from, and if I don't get out of here now, I'm might miss the pickup. Yikes!