Saturday, September 19, 2009

Feeling Poorly 217

I haven't been feeling well lately, so yesterday reordered all my expensive drugs - namely the Plavix and Crestor. I don't know if going without them is causing me to feel so bad, but I can't take any chances on not being able to work. So no matter how much they cost, I guess I've got to have them.

This feels more like a bad head cold. The side effects of the generic cholesterol medicine, Pravastatin (the one Dr. Feelgood prescribed on 9/11/09) include:
  • mild stomach pain, constipation, diarrhea;

  • heartburn, gas, bloating, upset stomach;

  • tired feeling;

  • headache, dizziness;

  • stuffy nose, cold or flu symptoms;

  • skin rash; or

  • general pain.

  • I have almost all of these symptoms - feel worse than I have in ages. I'm going to quit taking it, and get back on the Crestor.

    On a related note: When I was a kid I remember thinking that once a person reaches a certain age, somewhere around 40, they don't/won't/can't change much. I'm no exception. All my bright ideas for healthier living were just good ideas, and I'm accepting the fact that I'm not going to change much.

    On a daily basis, what matters the most is doing my job within the limits of the Federally imposed time constraints - whatever it takes. Eating food that's bad for me, smoking incessantly, whatever. It's bad for the long run, but if there's no short run.... You get the idea.

    I'm going to have to rely on the expensive medicines to keep me healthy enough to work.