Friday, September 11, 2009

They Need Water Heaters In Elizabeth NJ 209

More catching up. I went by the AMX yard on the way to Meigs GA, trip 198, to get the truck serviced. When nobody in the office wanted to see me about anything, that's when I knew I didn't have to worry about losing my job anymore.

My next trip from Meigs:
Trip 199

My next trip, the one I'm under now:

Trip 200

This trip brought me by the house for a while. From here I have 977 miles to go, but I'm calling it 1000 just to be sure. 1000/55mph = 18hours/11 = 1.63 (say 2) ten hour breaks = 18hours + 20hours = 38hours to get there legally. If I leave Bessemer by 10am tomorrow ... I can be there by midnight Sunday. Maybe I will leave Buddy here ....

I can't leave until after 9AM in the morning because Dr. Feelgood has phoned in some prescriptions to WalMart late this afternoon, and their pharmacy doesn't open until 9AM. I had some of my prescriptions from CVS transferred to WallyWorld too, but I'll tell about all this in another post. I'm pooped now.