Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Brad Pittrose And The Neon 228

Before I left the house last Sunday I made arrangements for Brad Pittrose and his other son, Texrose, to go down to AMX and bring my Neon back up to Mother. Well, actually, Mother called E.F. Hutton and asked if he thought Brad Pittrose would be interested in doing it - for pay, of course. E.F. Hutton talked to Brad Pittrose who said he would be glad to do it. Mother really needs my little car at the house so she won't be dependant on Abbie or Disabro to take her everywhere.

She's paying the insurance on it anyway, but that's because the Neon was supposed to already be at the house. Remember The Captain Is Free and Handyman's Elevator Don't Go To The Top? In that post, on 4/15/09, I said,
It's 7:15pm now, and Mother just told me about calling Handyman to confirm departure time in the morning. (Handyman was gonna drive me and Mother to AMX's terminal then drive back so Mother could keep my car.) She said he asked, "What time will we be back - about 10:00 or 10:30 in the morning?" And Mother bewilderingly said, "No Handyman. Don't you remember the last time we went down there? I told you it'd be an all day thing." Long story short, Handyman cancelled, so I'll be taking my car with me back to the terminal.
I haven't spoken to Handyman since; although I see him at E.F. Hutton's shop from time to time. Anyway, Brad Pittrose will never know how grateful I am to him - because while I was rushing to get on my way to Indiana, I could say to him, "Will you just take care of it?" and he understood how helpless I was to get anything like this done. (I hope that makes sense. I've got a headache, and my words aren't coming together....) And bless his heart, he's got some vacation days he'll lose if he don't use them, so he'll just use one day to go get my car. What a nice guy Thanks so much, Brad Pittrose

In other news, this is the trip I'm under now:

Trip 206

I got inspected at the Seymour IN scale a few hours back. Everything was good, except I got another ticket for not having on my seatbelt. I found out that our tickets contribute to AMX's "Safety Rating". (One day I'm gonna have to research "Safety Rating", because this was the first time I'd ever heard of it.) I called Whatagreatguy and told him about it, explaining that I didn't realize my tickets affected the whole company, and that I'd never be caught without the seatbelt on again. I told him that I thought he was getting on to me about it simply because I'd have to pay the tickets.

And finally, I'm posting from the Flying J in Franklin KY where I'm taking my 10 hour break.