Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Jefferson County, Declares Bankruptcy? 158

Subtitle: The Largest Municipal Bankruptcy In The Nation's History

One last thing before I hit the road. Mother just told me that Molly McGee said Jefferson County has finally declared bankruptcy. I live in Jefferson County. I knew there'd been a lot of speculation, but because I'm out of state most of the time, I didn't hear any of the stories. In fact, the only kind of stories I can find on the internet today are very much like this one, a story dated July 15th.

And this, from (I am not a Democrat!) is pretty interesting too. The comments there seem juicy, but I don't have the time.... The main thing from this article is:

".... ``Jefferson County officials have laid the groundwork for the largest municipal bankruptcy in the nation's history while publicly saying they have no imminent plans for a filing.''

Sorry to hear this - especially for Brad Pittrose's sake. He's been with the county forever, so he's probably ok. I hope so. But what are the implications for the rest of us - like county services, etc.? Wow.