Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Looks Kinda Like Collard Greens, Doesn't It? 156

Tobacco especially for cigars is grown in CT

Tobacco especially for cigars is grown in CT

I saw this on the way to pick up my Bloomfield CT load. You can't tell it from the pics, but the leaves on these plants look just like big collard leaves. In fact, I first thought this must be how collard greens are grown on an industrial basis, but these aren't collards at all. It's cigar tobacco. A Roadway driver, loading at the same place as I was, told me CT is known for it's cigar tobacco. Interesting. It sure looks different that tobacco I see growing in the Carolinas.

Incidentally, I went back down through Hartford once I was loaded - where Johnny Dollar lives. He never mentions anything about cigars....

I'm posting from the Flying J in Ruther Glen VA, where my 14 hours ran out. I have 990 miles to go before I can deliver this unassembled elevator in Miami. I had wanted to get a little further down the road, but the shipper wouldn't load me until 2PM. Then, about 50 miles north of here, all southbound (I95) lanes were blocked because of an accident. It took 45 minutes to an hour to get through that mess - moving 5 feet every 30 seconds almost caused my clutch leg to cramp. I don't think I'll make it by Thursday AM, but maybe I can get this elevator off later in the day.

And finally, I changed the dates on the pit bull posts so they fall into the blog like they're supposed to. Now that it's all over, there's no need to keep the death of that poor dog in the forefront. What a sad thing.

I'm going to bed now. "Tired" doesn't even come close....