Saturday, August 15, 2009

Still Tampa Bound With Samuel Adams 165

Posting from the Flying J in Brunswick GA, about 30 miles from the FL border. The only eventful thing that happened today is I got my hair cut at WalMart Manning SC. I've been wanting to do it forever, but just haven't had the time or place. Today I stopped at the TA in Manning to see if they had a barber shop. Some TAs rent space to stylists and other vendors; for instance, the TA in Harrisburg PA has a barber shop, cb shop, and a masseuse.

Anyway, the girl at the fuel desk told me WalMart was less than a mile down the road, and it had a SmartStyle. I decided to go ahead get it done because my hair was beginning to feel so hot and heavy. And, I guess because I'm around a lot of dusty/dirty environments in my work, my hair feels dirty much sooner that it should. The solution? Whack it all off.

I guess this picture comes the closest to describing it, except mine's somewhat shorter on top. The back and sides are "buzzed" like this girl's, but my buzz comes up further on my head:

My hairstyle, sort-of.

I really like it. Light, cool, and easy. One of the best haircuts I've ever had.

In other news, me and Sam Adams are down to 295 miles now. And we're trying not to think about the tourists that'll be crawling all over Orlando (Disney World, etc.) tomorrow. It's going to be murder trying to dodge all those 4wheelers that don't know how to get to where they're going.

Speaking of Disney World - just a little tidbit I remembered: Back when I used to run to the west coast, I picked up a load of Disney World tickets in Oregon and brought them to Orlando. I guess somebody up there offered Disney World a helluva deal on printing....